Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Little Push

Welcome to the second official day of summer vacation!  Maybe you have been planning for this day for weeks or maybe it arrived without much fanfare but either way - it's here!  For nearly three months, the kids are out of school and the endless effort to entertain them has begun.  I have stocked up on poster paint, sidewalk chalk, projects and sunscreen.  I haven't forgotten about summer reading logs, math worksheets and a scheduled visit to the library every Friday.  We have signed up for t-ball, dance camp and nature walks.  We will camp, hike, swim and ride bikes.  My fear of boredom ranks somewhere between snakes and tornadoes.

Today, our adventure included a stop at the local hot dog stand on our way to the park.  A picnic blanket served as our table, the sun as our light and fruit snacks,our special treat.  But it was at the swing set that I found my thought that counts. 

After finishing their lunch the kids raced to the playground and began the classic game of tag.  My son, who is two years younger than his sister, always seems to lag behind running just as fast as his little legs will take him.  Soon they made their way to the swing set and without hesitation, I went in that direction to give a little push.  I took turns pushing each one higher and higher and I began to think about all the little pushes we give our children...

In all my summer plans, I haven't planned for one Vacation Bible School, one memory verse, or one special time to pray together as a family...

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6 

Maybe the swing set is where God met me today.  Maybe my Father was still trying to give his daughter a little push.

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