Tuesday, June 28, 2011

An Unlikely Pair

Last weekend, me and family were guests at a graduation open house.  Rarely does a June past that we do not have at least one open house to attend.  The recent high school graduate was proudly sharing his plans for the future while guests dived into plates of delicious food and caught up with family and friends that they had not seen in some time.  To be honest - I had never met the graduate and had only met his dad and step-mother a hand full of times.  My husband, however, spends more time with the graduate's dad than he does with me.  They are office cube mates and over the years have grown into true friends.

Usually, I would find myself being quite uncomfortable in a situation such as this.  I am not real great in a group of people and I am markedly worse when the cheese stands alone.  But for some reason - this was different.  The kids ran off to play and my husband mingled around while I found a chair on the edge of the tent and just observed.  My curiosity had gotten the best of me and I was searching the crowd for the ex-wife. 

The relationship has always sparked my curiosity.  They live a short distance from one another and even the children from their new marriages are friends and attend the same school. 

As I refelected on my current relational troubles, I couldn't help but ask myself why a man and his ex-wife could share the same air while so many that I have loved and cared about have been absent for years.  Such an unlikely pair, a man and his ex-wife, hosting a party for their son.  I wonder if the graduate know just how lucky he is? 

"And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God also in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

Easier said than done - but isn't everything?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wait Loss

Today is day two on yet another attempt at weight loss.  I have never been what most would consider skinny.  I like to kid and say, "My bones are too big to fit in a skinny body!" But it's true...I come from big stock.  I also am really good at making very bad health choices.  Pepsi is my constant companion and sweets my daily visitor.  Today, I weigh more than ever before.  Sadly - even more than when I was 9 months pregnant.  

So - why try again now? 

This year, my husband and I will be celebrating 10 years of marriage.  In September of 2001, Kevin and I visited the beaches of beautiful Jamaica and it was there I wore the cutest little blue tie-dye bikini.  On my wedding day, I weighed in at just 119 lbs... the very least I have ever weighted in my adult body.  But it's more than the number and it's certainly not about revisiting that bikini...so what is it?  

It's about me. I don't like who I am.  It's time for a change.  I have to belive that the thought of me - counts.

Weight loss isn't easy.  This journey will take a life-time.  I know I will have good days and I will have bad days.  But the hardest thing about weight loss....is the wait...


I am not much good at waiting. I really, quite frankly, hate waiting.

But in the waiting...

I hope to find more than what I am waiting for...

"I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

For those of you keeping track...today I weigh in at 193 lbs....

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Edge of Tears

About four months ago, my husband and I decided to leave our church of nearly 15 years. It wasn't an easy decision and the pain often feels as though we left just yesterday.  I started attending the church when I was just 18 years old.  It was there that my then boyfriend proposed to me Easter morning, 2000.  It was there that we later wed and dedicated our two children.  It was there my children first learned about corporate worship and were we served with passion and love for Christ. 

Upon leaving, we quickly attended several new churches in hopes of finding a new home for our family.  I guess it should have been obvious, but trying to find a new church is like trying to date again.  Needless to say - our first few dates failed - miserably.

Today I have been on the edge of tears. I long for christian companionship. I miss the feeling you get after a really good date.

"For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20

The search continues...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Too Busy?

Today's activities included a trip to the local orchard for strawberry picking.  We met some great friends at the patch and began the race to fill our buckets.  The kids ran up and down the aisles inventing games to play and occasionally picking a strawberry or two.  I had a great chat with a close friend and to top off the day we made our way to the playground. Within just a few moments, I found myself staring at the message stated clearly and quite frankly in front of me...

"God's Busy...Can I help you?"

It was a black t-shirt with white writing. And it wasn't a young snarky teenager but an expectant mother of a little two year old boy who served as the billboard. My first hope was that my children would be too busy to see the shirt and to my joy they didn't.

But I did...

And it was there I found my thought that counts...

It isn't my God who is to busy...but me...

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Little Push

Welcome to the second official day of summer vacation!  Maybe you have been planning for this day for weeks or maybe it arrived without much fanfare but either way - it's here!  For nearly three months, the kids are out of school and the endless effort to entertain them has begun.  I have stocked up on poster paint, sidewalk chalk, projects and sunscreen.  I haven't forgotten about summer reading logs, math worksheets and a scheduled visit to the library every Friday.  We have signed up for t-ball, dance camp and nature walks.  We will camp, hike, swim and ride bikes.  My fear of boredom ranks somewhere between snakes and tornadoes.

Today, our adventure included a stop at the local hot dog stand on our way to the park.  A picnic blanket served as our table, the sun as our light and fruit snacks,our special treat.  But it was at the swing set that I found my thought that counts. 

After finishing their lunch the kids raced to the playground and began the classic game of tag.  My son, who is two years younger than his sister, always seems to lag behind running just as fast as his little legs will take him.  Soon they made their way to the swing set and without hesitation, I went in that direction to give a little push.  I took turns pushing each one higher and higher and I began to think about all the little pushes we give our children...

In all my summer plans, I haven't planned for one Vacation Bible School, one memory verse, or one special time to pray together as a family...

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6 

Maybe the swing set is where God met me today.  Maybe my Father was still trying to give his daughter a little push.